• The Ruck (map)
  • 104 3rd Street
  • Troy, NY, 12180
  • United States

"A small wooden barrel or covered vessel.
Any of several British units of capacity, usually equal to about 1/4 of a barrel or 9 gallons (34 liters)."

The Ruck is kicking it old school for its Friday of Troy Craft Beer Week, as we celebrate the art of the Firkin!

"A firkin is a unit of measure and also the size of a particular kind of keg used for cask conditioning; one quarter of a barrel, 72 pints, 9 imperial gallons. Firkins can be wooden or metal. The most curious thing about them is the manner in which they are tapped. As you can see, in order to keep air out, the keg is laid on its side and the spout is driven in horizontally. It can get a bit messy if not done correctly.

A breathing tube is inserted in the bung which is now on top to enhance the flow of beer using only gravity. CO2 is not used to carbonate or push the beer out.

Thus you get a naturally fermented and carbonated beer in a small batch. Many think beer tastes much better this way. In fact, there are entire beer festivals dedicated to only Cask Conditioned beers." -- http://www.hoppytrailsbeernews.com/beer-trivia/what-the-firk-is-a-firkin/

We will have all three levels with a BUNCH OF FIRKIN BEERS!!!!!

Here is the lineup of Firkin Casks we will have:
Sierra Nevada Tropical Tornado
Ithaca Flower Power with Pacific Jade
Ommegang Rare Vos
Brooklyn Brown
Brown's Triad IPA
Adirondack Bobcat Pils
Switchback Connector IPA
... Stay tuned for more!!!!

So please, get your FIRKIN Butts down to The Ruck Friday, September 15th as we host FIRKIN FEST!
